
Welcome to another episode of Lights....Camera....Popcorn!

Today's review is Snowpiercer.

Directed by Joon-ho Bong.

Written by Joon-ho Bong & Kelly Masterson.

Screen Story by Joon-ho Bong.

Based on the French graphic novel "Le Transperceneige". Written by Jaques Lob, Benjamin Legrand & Jean-Marc Rochette.

Review #254

MPAA Rating: Rated R for violence, language and drug content.

Run Time: 126 min

Hulk Spoils Hollywood Podcast Page


Chris Evans...Curtis

Kang-ho Song...Namgoong Minsoo

Ed Harris...Wilford

John Hurt...Gilliam

Tilda Swinton...Mason

Jamie Bell...Edgar

Octavia Spencer...Tanya

Ewen Bremner...Andrew

Ah-sung Ko...Yona

Alison Pill...Teacher

Luke Pasqualino...Grey

I've said this before.

Every once in a while a movie comes along that is based on a comic book that I never knew was a comic book. The most recent one that comes to mind is Blue Is The Warmest Color. Based on the French graphic novel "Le Bleu est une couleur chaude." This film flew way under the radar and has gotten a very small release. I only wished that the studios put more promotion behind it because....

Snowpiercer is one of the best films of 2014!

Set in a future where a failed climate-change experiment kills all life on the planet except for a lucky few who boarded the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, where a class system emerges.

This review is going to be tough for me. There's so much greatness here that I want to express it in all it's glory. However, I'm bound by my word of spoiler free reviews. So I'm forced to get into what made the movie so great and trust me there's plenty to talk about.

I'll start with the director. Joon-ho Bong.
He is the genius behind The Host. A wonderful Korean monster movie that carries a message that goes way beyond the typical Kaiju story. Snowpiercer follows the same path and that's all Joon-ho. Now granted, the story for this film is adapted from a graphic novel. That doesn't change the reality that he weaves a powerful wave of emotions and sentiments towards the main characters as the narrative plays through. A lot of the heavy lifting is done for him with the basic class system structure of the train. The wealthy and powerful enjoy every possible luxury in the front while the less fortunate struggle to survive in the back.
The conditions don't seem favorable for the poor to sustain their existence so this prompts a rebellion. The film does very little exposition regarding how things got to this point. The focus comes through as the story slowly builds momentum. The "leader" of the rebellion is Curtis played by Chris Evans and he reluctantly guides the masses to bigger and better pastures. Again, his story is shrouded in mystery and teases until the final moment when he gets his moment of confession. It was a stunning character arc that showcased some impressive writing, direction and performance by Evans. He's no longer The Human Torch from those dreadful Fantastic Four movies.

That fire has been extinguished.
Now let's move on to the action. Since this film takes place entirely on a train the complexity for fight scenes increases ten fold. There isn't much room to move and despite some cheating with camera angles, Joon-ho does a terrific job giving us some knockdown drag out affairs. The highlight being the battle pictured above. I won't say where at the train this is or what point the film it's in but like all good films, just when you think the good guys have some momentum.


A shift in the equation changes the game and provides us with a riveting and stylish skirmish.
The fight goes on for quite a while with both sides taking their bumps and bruises. However, that's not enough for Joon-ho. He takes the fight to the next level and turns the lights out with this scene. If you read between the lines you'll know what I'm talking about. My favorite part was when Joon-ho changes the POV of the fight and we see how it looks from the eye of the enemy. It's a simple look but highly effective and tension building.

Very well done.
I really want to say more but I just can't. There's way too much depth behind this story that covers so many different subjects. It isn't fair to any of you to get it through my words. This film is an experience and all of you owe it to yourselves to experience Snowpiercer the same way I did.

Find this movie.

See this movie.

Tell your friends about this movie.

Take the ride on the Snowpiercer. You won't be disappointed.

On the 5 star scale. Snowpiercer gets 4 stars with a "Worth Every Penny!" recommendation.

That's a wrap for today.

Until Next Episode...."I'll Save You A Seat!"


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