
Welcome to another episode of The "D" List.

Today's review is Predators. Directed by Nimród Antal. Written by Alex Litva & Michael Finch. Based on characters created by Jim Thomas & John Thomas.

MPAA Rating : R for pervasive language, gore and strong creature violence.


Adrien Brody - Royce

Topher Grace - Edwin

Alice Braga - Isabelle

Walton Goggins - Stans

Oleg Taktarov - Nikolai

Laurence Fishburne - Noland

Danny Trejo - Cuchillo

Louis Ozawa Changchien - Hanzo

Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - Mombasa

"If it bleeds.....We can kill it!"

That was one of cinema's greatest lines uttered by arguably cinema's greatest action stars. Of course I mean the great Arnold in 1987's sleeper sci fi hit Predator. The popularity of that film spawned a less than stellar sequel starring Danny Glover. 14 years later we were made to suffer through Paul W.S. Anderson's UTTERLY DREADFUL Alien vs Predator. 3 years after that another Alien vs Predator sequel graced our presence and that seemed to be the end of the Predator franchise (or films with the titular character in them) until now. Enter Robert Rodriguez and his valiant attempt to breathe life in a franchise that many felt (myself included) didn't need reviving. The end result was an excellent addition to the Predator universe that will wash away all the bad memories of the past failed sequels.

The film opens right at the starting gate with a rush. An unconscious Royce is seen free falling from the sky. After landing he comes across the rest of the cast. All of them are outfitted with military garb and armed to the teeth with exception of 3. Hanzo, he's Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) Edwin, he's a doctor and Stans, a convict on death row. The group discover that they are on an alien planet. Their purpose for them being there is to be sport for the Predators who capture warriors, killers and soldiers from all over and I do mean all over in order to hone their battle skills and advance their weaponry.

The story is basic enough but this film is layered with deeper undertone's of the human condition. As you are watching the film you begin to get the sense that the alien predators are not the only predators on the planet. Several of the people struggle with the paths they chose in their lives and it causes you to look at them much differently than who they are at the core of the story. Which is a group of people kidnapped and used for hunting sport. This kind of character depth was refreshing to see in a genre of film that normally doesn't subscribe to that kind of storytelling. You go to a Predator movie to see those bad ass alien's kick the crap out their enemy and instead you are exposed to the human "predators" forced to deal with an occupational role reversal.

Another well adjusted aspect of the film was the tight script. As is the case with several movies of this ilk, they tend to allow plot holes run through the narrative just to move along to the next action set piece. Here, they explain how the people got to the planet and it was done in the simplest yet satisfying way that you're not begging for further explanation. Also, this film is not a re-boot as some have predicted. This film is a direct sequel from Predator 1 & 2. There is a scene in act 2 that brings you back to the events of the 1st film and reminds you of what happened in the jungle. It was short enough to give you a quick refresher yet detailed enough to provide some background info on what these people were facing on the planet. I for one would have liked to have had a little more back story but it was sufficient to move the plot along.

The predator designs were incredible. The character has truly evolved over time from the large lumbering creature from Predator to a more agile, cunning and ferocious warrior. Plus and this was good to see, there wasn't a feeling of invincibility among the predators. They clearly possess superior physical and technological attributes but they are fallible and can be defeated. This was the point of the film obviously. The predators go to this planet to learn how to become better killers. That quest comes at a price. That price is possible failure and death. This was something that the writers could easily have dismissed since the protagonists are on the antagonists turf. The predators had the home field advantage but pleasantly the playing field was for the most part quite level.

This was a very entertaining, smooth and well paced addition to the Predator franchise that is worthy of standing among it's predecessor. By that I mean Predator 1987. Throw away all other Predator sequels and hybrid films and you have yourself a damn good 1-2 punch that if handled correctly can continue to survive (no pun intended) in tinsel town.

On the 5 star scale. Predators gets 4 stars. With a "Go See It!" recommendation.

That's all for today. Up next is Despicable Me to be followed by The Sorcerer's Apprentice then the highlight of the summer..........Inception.

Until Next Episode......"I'll Save You A Seat!"


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